Interview: Inspiration and Art Making
I am completely energized by my current idiom and feel I’ve only begun to develop my understanding of it. Each time I break through, I imme

Color Harmony
Had some challenges getting the color balance right on this work. In fact, I struggled with it for weeks, which is rare, because I...

Photo Shoot in New Orleans
Thanks to Elizabeth Dondis for arranging an outstanding location at an uptown mansion in New Orleans for a challenging photo shoot. ...

The Trouble with Large Sweeping Images
This image looks simpler than many I do, but images like this present challenges for me because they often have large carefully gradated...

Blue Note Blonde: Working process
This painting was just completed and shipping to The Atelier Gallery in Charleston for the upcoming August show. To see a detailed...

Varnishing Process: Red in Big Blue
Finished this a few weeks ago and just varnished it last weekend (Happy Easter!) I’m using a Gamblin Gamvar/OMS/ Cold Wax mix. My...

Working Process: Blue Drive By
I’m asked about my process frequently, so I’ve just begun documenting my working methods (which vary greatly, depending on the subject...